Artist & Teacher
ARTE Lesson Plan Template edTPA aligned
Date: 09/14/21
Unit/Learning Segment title: The Self-Reflecting Book Binding Journal
Grade Level: 10th grade
Number of Students: 9
Lesson: 1/3
Lesson title: The Self-Reflecting Book Binding Journal
Enduring Understanding / Central Focus
- Students will analyze interpreting a visual journal of themselves to better understand the aesthetic theory and how to develop artisanship.
Lesson Rationale & Summary
- This lesson will help students develop past the "period of decision" stage by learning how to motivate meaning in artwork.
- Students will understand art and visual culture by conceptualizing themselves and how they see themselves through imagery.
- Each will develop the studio habits of mind by developing craft and envisioning as students create their own art based on what they have seen or imagined.
- Students will interpret their own version of a visual journal by generating ideas.
- Each will make their own by using various materials such as paper, glue, and thread to bind together the signatures.
- Students will personalize using materials of their own choice by using different patterns, outside materials, and creating different backgrounds,
Learning Objectives
1. Students will develop a practice of engaging by self-reflecting by talking to a partner while using different sources.
ODE Code - Creating - HIS.1CR
Visual Arts Standard - Develop a practice of engaging with sources for idea generation
Assessment/Evaluation of Evidence - I will have students in pairs work on a think-pair-share document that analyzes the analysis of visual journaling, vocabulary words and characteristics within their visual journal, and the usage of outside materials.
2. Students will talk one on one with me about artisanship to gain persistence.
ODE Code - Producing - HIS.1PR
Visual Arts Standards - Refine levels of artisanship while modeling persistence.
Assessment/ Evaluation of Evidence: I will observe the student's use of materials to also talk one on one about each student's ability.
3. Students will critique while in the middle of the lesson to create self-understanding.
ODE Code - Responding - HIS.3RE
Visual Arts Standards - Develop art criticism methods when responding to artworks.
Assessment/Evaluation of Evidence: I will have students state their reasonings for their visual imagery that ties in with themselves.
4. Students will create connections to themselves as they examine their character to create their project.
ODE Code - Connecting - HIS.4CO
Visual Arts Standards - Examine aesthetic theory and visual culture to inform personal aesthetic development.
Assessment/Evaluation of Evidence - I will assess by using a rubric on the connections the students have made throughout what they have presented.
Content Vocabulary
Book Binding- This is the process of assembling a book within signatures to then be bound together with a thick needle.
Visual Art Are art forms such as design, drawing, or painting.
General Vocabulary
Aesthetic Theory: Artifacts intentionally created to create qualities that come together.
Coptic Stitch: Sewing technique from the early Christians in Egypt used to bind books.
Visual Journaling: A way to journal but instead of writing words, using imagery.
Instructional Terms
Planned Assessments
- I will create a document for the students to discuss if they know certain vocabulary such as bookbinding and aesthetic theory, in addition to writing five things about themselves.
Formative Assessment/Informal Assessment
- Question and answer session about visual imagery
- Exit Slip: to help me learn how much students are understanding the concepts
- Individual check-ins during teacher observation to see if students are grasping certain motor skills.
- Think-pair-share to reveal how students individualize their caterpillar.
- A group discussion about Eric Carle and how our process related to his way of creating his children's books.
- I will measure how successful students are by using a rubric or an exit slip to see they met the standards.
Summative Assessment
- Students will be measured by using a rubric on different subjects 1-10 on engaging with ideas, the level of artisanship on the cover, how each used self-criticism through the think-pair-share, and the level of personal connections within the cover.
Differentiated Instructional Strategies
- Visual Learners: Make an example of the finished project and create a list of different aspects of imagery that describes themselves.
- Verbal Learners: Stating everything steps by step in words they will understand, not causing loud noises, and having students repeat step by step aloud.
- Students who have physical disabilities: I will put a cushion on the seat to prevent discomfort
Project Extensions
Students will start using visual journaling inside their book as I provide each with a list to specify for each page.
Lesson Resources
Equipment - Video Camera, phone, smartboard, computer
Health & Safety - Gloves and goggles if necessary, first aid kit
Supplies - 10 sheets of durable paper, 30 sheets of 24x18" of paper, mixed materials, bone folder, needle, thread, 18 8x10" construction board, 1 bottle of fabric glue
Instructional Support Materials - Pre-assessment, PowerPoint of the lesson opening, the body of the lesson, video about visual journaling vs a sketchbook, formative assessments, think, pair, share document
Lesson Procedures
-Teacher Actions: I will give out a document for the students to answer different questions about bookbinding, themselves, what mediums he/they are comfortable with, what visual learning is, and what stitch they would rather create when making the book.
-Student Actions: Students will be answering the questions by writing them down on a sheet of paper.
Lesson Opening:
- Teacher Actions:
> I will introduce the topic to the lesson by starting off with a power-point to the students, opening up the class by asking them what bookbinding, visual journaling, and aesthetic theory are.
> In the power-point, I will list vocabulary terms on the board and ask the students different questions after introducing them while also asking how they're going to implement the vocabulary words.
> I will pass out illustration paper for them to start creating their book.
- Student Actions: Students will be motivated afterward by researching different visual imagery that connects to their character. Students will look at magazines as well to gain knowledge on visual imagery. Once this is done, students can start practicing sketches of their book covers. (CR HIS.1)
Formative Assessment of Lesson Opening Informal Assessment:
- Teacher Actions: I will go around each individual and talk to them one on one about any ideas they have, how they will represent themselves through visual imagery, and talk about different ideas and how to create those ideas. I also will ask them to pick out the cover on the inside of their cover board.
- Student Actions: Students will answer questions, chat about ideas and how to create those, and pick out an inside cover.
Body of Lesson:
- Teacher Actions:
> I will instruct students to explore visual imagery and start to look up ways to explore themselves. During this, I will have students talk to each other about what they will do (HIS.1PR).
> I will hand out a sheet of paper for students to start creating the cover of their book.
> The steps I will take will be to ask questions while the students are looking up or creating their cover.
- Student Actions: Students will get out their computers, look through magazines, or books from famous artists. . Students will apply their research into starting to create their cover with paper and pencil.
Formative Assessments during Body of Lesson Informal Assessments
- Teacher Actions: I will instruct a think-pair-share to reveal how students are individualizing as pairs as they talk to each other on their process and then come together to work on an exit slip about vocabulary words, what bookbinding is, and what visual journaling is in their own words (HIS.3RE).
- Student Actions: Students will talk to their peers about topics that are important to the class period and how they will implement those into the book as the partner has to critique if it's a good definition and talk about ideas.
Lesson Closure
- Teacher Actions: I will tell students will clean up and I will ask different questions like "what is an aesthetic theory or visual culture" as they do so.
- Student Actions: Students will answer questions as they clean up (HIS.4CO).
Formative Assessment of Lesson Closure Informal Assessment
- Teacher Actions: I will have students finish up their think-pair-share and talk to them one on one about their ideas.
- Student Actions: Students will talk to me about their ideas and how the think-pair-share went.
Summative Assessment / Formal Assessment
- Teacher Actions: I will fill out a rubric based on the different subjects that went on in class and grade how each student did. For example, engaging with ideas, the level of artisanship on the cover, how each used self-criticism through the thick-pair-share, and the level of personal connection.
- Student Actions: Students will have to show hard work, focus, the connection of vocabulary words, and materials.
Students Work
Student Work #1
Student Work #3
Student Work #5
Student Work #7
Student Work #2
Student Work #4
Student Work #6
Student Work #8
Student work #9